Find providers of services in the field of regualtory compliance.
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Saidia Pharma Service Limited
Bei den Mühren 66a
20457 Hamburg
ProPharma Group GmbH
Siemensdamm 62
13627 Berlin
Telefon: 030/856 06878-0
ProPharma Group GmbH is a leading consultancy and project management organisation in the fields of (bio)pharmaceutical products, medical devices, and healthcare.
Contact us in any phase of your product's lifecycle if you are looking for a partner in Product Development, Regulatory Affairs, (Pharmaco)vigilance or QA/QC.
PharmaLex is a leading provider of specialized services for the pharma, biotech and medical device industries.
We guide you from early strategic planning activities and non-clinical requirements through clinical development, regulatory submission processes and post-approval / maintenance post-launch activities. Our experts use technology enabled solutions to support you through the entire product lifecycle. We deliver exceptional results — going above and beyond the standard to deliver tailor-made solutions worldwide.
The PharmaLex Group now has over 1000 employees, with 33 offices in 21 countries and more than 600 satisfied clients worldwide.
Dr. Matthias Brunner, Drug Regulatory Affairs Consultant
Hans-Bunte-Str. 8
69123 Heidelberg
balticpharmasolutions GmbH
Papenreye 65
22453 Hamburg