
Find for providers and consulting companies for regulatory services in the field of cosmetics.

The list does not claim to be complete and no guarantee can be given for the correctness and up-to-dateness of the information provided. Furthermore, please note that this list does not have any recommendatory character.

If you are a provider of services in this area, you have the possibility to register free of charge in this directory.

Diapharm GmbH & Co. KG

Hafenweg 18-20

48155 Münster



  • Focus: cosmetics with added health benefits
  • Portfolio analysis, development, evaluation of marketability, regulatory implementation and support
  • Labelling and claims (mandatory information, voluntary information and advertising claims)
  • CPNP notification
  • Product information files (PIF), including safety assessment
  • Cosmetic GMP audits
  • DiapharmKlick: the latest overview of new OTC products in Germany, Austria, Spain, France, the United Kingdom and the US

ProPharma Group GmbH

Siemensdamm 62

13627 Berlin

Telefon: 030/856 06878-0


ProPharma Group GmbH is a leading consultancy and project management organisation in the fields of (bio)pharmaceutical products, medical devices, and healthcare.

Contact us in any phase of your product's lifecycle if you are looking for a partner in Product Development, Regulatory Affairs, (Pharmaco)vigilance or QA/QC. 

  • RA management from early preclinical stage to the final steps of maintenance of the license
  • Dossier compliation and submission
  • Project Management
  • Scientific Writing
  •  CMC Program & Project Management