Here you can find providers of translation services for the pharmaceutical industry with focus on regulatory affairs, clinical research and many more.
The list does not claim to be complete and no guarantee can be given for the correctness and up-to-dateness of the information provided. Furthermore, please note that this list does not have any recommendatory character.
ELC Group is capable to provide not only translation services but the creative writing in every language to pharmaceutical or medical devices companies, medical institutions and medical education companies.
Our specialists have translated thousands of documents, including:
Ramos Pharma Consulting
Schweidnitzer Str. 63
80997 Munich
We provide translations in all European languages - from clinical studies through to marketing authorisation.
These are the features that make our pharmaceutical translations stand out:
We translate the following types of material (and more) for CROs, pharmaceutical companies and manufacturers of natural remedies:
Our team has years of medical translation experience for some of the world's largest Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices companies and also for most industries. We provide language solutions in the following areas in Life Science:
Other services: