Here you can search for companies conducting Readability User Testings.
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Wenigenjenaer Ufer 12
07749 Jena
Phone: +49 3641 549396
Fax: +49 3641 549397
Knowhownow- European Readability testers
Pastoor Fabritiusstraat 50
6585XL Mook
The Netherlands
Tel.: +31 6 424 99 353 /
+31 643982065
KHN’s core competence is the conduction of full service readability tests. This comprises the following:
PHARMEXON’s lead interviewer has been involved with Readability User Testing of Patient Information Leaflets (PILs) since the beginning of the requirement in EU.
PHARMEXON provides:
PharmaLex is a leading provider of specialized services for the pharma, biotech and medical device industries.
We guide you from early strategic planning activities and non-clinical requirements through clinical development, regulatory submission processes and post-approval / maintenance post-launch activities. Our experts use technology enabled solutions to support you through the entire product lifecycle. We deliver exceptional results — going above and beyond the standard to deliver tailor-made solutions worldwide.
The PharmaLex Group now has over 1000 employees, with 33 offices in 21 countries and more than 600 satisfied clients worldwide.